May 30

The Best 5 Home Cellulite Remedies


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The Best 5 Home Cellulite Remedies

The Best 5 Home Cellulite Remedies

Cellulite does not pose a serious health risk, but is a major concern because of its unsightly appearance. Laser treatment and liposuction are common medical treatments. They are fast fixes for this cosmetic problem and guarantee successful results. However, the controversies surrounding invasive procedures often compel many to opt for home cellulite treatments. We have discussed 5 most effective natural cellulite removal techniques in this short article.

1. Body Brushing:

The lymphatic system is a part of the circulatory system that helps rid the body of toxins. Body brushing stimulates the lymphatic system. Brush the cellulite-affected skin in long sweeping strokes using a soft body brush. The brush must be worked in the direction of the heart. Brush the skin when it is dry or damp, but not wet. The routine takes only a few minutes and should be performed every day. The process is cheap and can be performed as per one's convenience.

2. Coffee Scrub:

Coffee is one of the most beneficial items in your kitchen cabinet if you are looking for tips on how to get rid of cellulite naturally. Caffeine is an active ingredient in many over-the-counter creams and lotions. It tightens the blood vessels thereby helping to tighten the skin. The coffee grinds also exfoliate the skin and improve blood circulation in the cellulite patches. Grind caffeinated coffee into a fine dust. Apply it to the cellulite-affected area and leave it on for 60 seconds. Rinse gently with warm water or step into the shower for a warm bath. Apply it gently in circular movements. Many alter this cellulite remedy by adding quarter cup brown sugar. A few also add olive oil to the mixture or apply it to the skin before they slather the scrub.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar:

The cellulite remedies we have spoken of so far are external applications. The apple cider vinegar recipe is an oral recipe that targets the fatty lumps internally. Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 8 ounces of water. Drink this mixture every morning. You can add a pinch of honey if you wish to sweeten it. Apple cider vinegar can also be applied externally. Mix one part of essential oil with three parts apple cider vinegar and apply it to your skin twice a day.

4. Essential Oils:

There is a list of essential oils that help relieve cellulite trouble. They are juniper oil, olive oil, lemon grass oil, cypress oil, geranium oil, grapefruit oil, coconut oil, almond oil, fennel oil and rosemary oil. These essential oils stimulate the lymphatic system and strengthen the connective tissue. Massaging the oils improves blood circulation, detoxifies the body and reduces water retention. It firms the skin and evens out the skin tone.

5. Eat Well:

Many experts have associated the development of cellulite with a poor diet. An unhealthy diet comprising of junk and processed foods aggravate cellulite because of their high-fat content. A healthy diet is the key to getting rid of cellulite at home. It should include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and fiber. Try to strive for a low calorie diet. Avoid crash and fad diets.

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home remedies, natual living

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  1. I ended up not doing much this summer that I was worried about celluite, as I stayed away from shorts, etc. But next year could be different – these are good ideas to try!

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