September 26

BLT Salad


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Last school year I joined a cooking club in my neighborhood.  We meet once a month, during the school year.  Last year the theme was “around the world”, so each month was a different region of the world.  This month the theme was Tomatoes! Oh the possibilities…..
I almost made Bruschetta.  But I saw this salad, and had to find a reason to make it.  It has tomatoes, so I figured it would work.  I am not normally a salad girl.  I mean, I like a good salad, it doesn’t even have to have all the fatty stuff on there.  But they are just never the same when I make them at home, so I am usually disappointed.  But I am glad to say, this one did not disappoint one bit!
I had tons of fresh tomatoes to put in this, and it really made them pop.  Lots of great flavor, and such a bright color.  The dressing is mayo based, so I was really nervous (I don’t like mayo at all), but it was really good.  It worked so well with the salad.  And, you know you can never go wrong when bacon is involved.  I had the leftovers for dinner the next day, and it was still wonderful.  I served the dressing on the side, so it wouldn’t get soggy.

BLT Salad
Adapted from What Megan’s Making

1 head romaine lettuce, coarsely chopped
1/2 cup chopped red onion
3 Roma tomatoes, chopped
6 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled
4 slices bread, diced
1 tablespoon unsalted butter

1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 to 2 tablespoons maple syrup
4 teaspoons whole-grain mustard
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

In a skillet melt the butter.  Toss the diced bread in the butter, and toast for about 6 minutes until crispy.

In a small bowl whisk together all the ingredients for the dressing.

In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients for the salad, and toss.  Serve with the dressing on the side.

Erin Sellin is the resident recipe contributor for Taking Time for Mommy – Online Magazine for Moms. You can also  find her on her own blog Dinners, Dishes, and Desserts and on facebook.


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