October 23

Cheer Up Your Window This Winter


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Cheer Up Your Window This Winter With A Garden To Grace It!

When winter sets in soon and nips at your toes, dont let the blues get to your love for gardening outdoors & simply bring it in indoors!

Yes, we recommend an indoor window garden to boost your spirits and keep the gloomy winter feel out in the cold with sensibly chosen winter plants – some fragrant and colorful, others edible and flavorful for enhancing your winter menus. Try this wonderful winter gardening remedy today:

Your windowsill is the perfect place for starting a seasonal indoor garden that will sustain your wintry gardeners soul and warm your heart with perfect seasonings for tasty, nutritious and wholesome soups, broths and stews if you plant timely, healthful herb when ushering out autumn.

Along with the versatile herbs like basil, compact dill and Greek Oregano, you can also consider thyme and parsley besides coriander that readily take to windowsill gardening and are likely to fill your winters with fragrance, greenery and soothing, medicinal value when added to soups!

These only require regular watering and a few hours of sunlight to grow and so are easy to grow even for those not blessed at birth with a green thumb.

Perhaps, some eye candy – in the form of fresh flowers that are regarded as winter blooms – can be your daily delight with just a snip of a seed packet, pre-prepared potting soil that has been treated for fertilizer mix and contains the necessary peat moss etc. for helping indoor plants nasturtiums, pansies and calendulas.

Sure to bring a smile to your face and color to the room, flowering indoor plants in your window garden, when tended with a little bit of sunshine, water and right soil-mixture, are the best bet for beating winter blues!


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  1. when we had new wimndows put in they took my window sill in my kitchen and I miss it so much! I used to have my herbs on it. I am putting it back in the spring!

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