October 29

Cranberry Tea Cookies Recipe

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‘Tis the season for cookie baking in my house. Since the temperatures drop and I don't mind turning on the oven and we bake A LOT.
 Cranberry tea cookies are one of my favorite cookie recipes and they are always a hit no matter where I take them.I love to make these delicious cookies for parties or when we play tea time. (We dress up for no reason, have tea and cookies.)
This year I think I'm going to make them for the cookie exchange I have with friends. I love their buttery goodness


Yields: 35-40 Cookies


2 sticks salted butter at room temperature

1?2 cup sugar

2 tablespoons milk

1 teaspoon vanilla

1?2 teaspoon salt

2 1?2 cups flour

1?2 cup chopped pecans

3?4 chopped dried cranberries

1?4 cup extra sugar



1. Cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Add milk and vanilla, mix well. Add cranberries and pecans.


2. Roll into 2 logs about 8 x 1 1?2”. Cover with cling wrap and chill for 2 hours in the refrigerator or freezer for 30-60

minutes to allow dough to firm up.


3. Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Slice cookies about 1/4” thick. Roll edges of cookies in sugar.


5. Place on lightly greased cookie sheets and bake for 10-15 minutes.

This cranberry tea cookie recipe is very easy to make and oh so delicious. They make a really nice as a hostess gift too, add a pretty holiday towel to a basket, add the cookies, and cover them up to keep them warm.

Be sure to check out our other recipes.


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