June 11

A DANGEROUS SEASON by Olivia Hardin (Pre-Order)


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ads-cover-reveal-bannerPain, joy, death, life, magic: All of it fits. Or does it…

The faery realm is in a frenzy now that the Women on the Hill are no longer united in power. The fabric of life as the fae know it is changing, and with it the dynamics of friends, lovers and neighbors. Devan will risk both her life and Kent’s love to locate her missing father. Nicky must follow Gerry headfirst into danger as she runs from the new demons within herself. Doc and Jill choose an ally in the cold war between faery factions as Robin struggles to help McKenna recover from a loss that could cripple her forever. Kristana and Langston seek answers and follow a ghost into enemy territory, while Rooney confronts the challenges of Belle’s growing powers and the path revealed for their lives.

A collision of forces could create a new order between the faery and human realms, but will everyone survive the fallout of the cataclysm?

Pre-Order now to get the release day price of just 99cents. Only guaranteed for the date of release!

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Buy books one and two Sweet Magic Song: iBooks / Barnes and Noble / Amazon Transcendent: iBooks / Barnes and Noble / Amazon


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