January 28

Don Sabrosa Salsa event


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The Don Sabrosa Company makes incredible salsas in a variety of flavors. It is made with all natural healthy ingredients, such as tomatoes, peaches, honey, and blueberries. They have a heat level to suit every taste.

Currently, you can find their salsa on their website, however, it would be appreciated if you could join the “Don’t be Deprived” campaign and request that they be sold in your local grocery store.

The Don Sabrosa Company is generously offering a Black Bean & Corn Salsa Bowl for this giveaway.

To get the fabulous Chicken Tortilla Soup Recipe in the photo above, visit Mommy Lesson Plans Don Sabrosa Salsa review.

This event would not become possible without the participation of these amazing co-hosts:Giveaway Gator,Couponing with Integrity,Mommy Lesson Plans, Pea of Sweetness andMeg’s Daily Bytes, Reviews and other Online Distractions


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  1. i like to mix a cup of salsa with a quarter cup of mayo and three quarters of a cup of sour cream for a yummy dip

    jagar0047 at yahoo dot com

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