November 29

Easy Snowman Christmas Crafts for Kids


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Snowman Christmas crafts can really be made all winter long by leaving the Christmas touches off when you aren't using them for the holiday.

Here are 4 snowmen crafts for kids that are easy and fun to make.

From crafts.kaboose.comPaper Plate Snowman

Toddlers can put together a large and small paper plate to make a snowman. Punch a hole in the bottom of the small plate and the top of a large plate. Use a pipe cleaner to attach the two together. Markers can be used to make a face on the small plate and buttons on the large plate.

A piece of construction paper can be cut for a scarf, and it will give a toddler the opportunity to begin learning how to use scissors. The shape of the scarf doesn't matter – the ideas is for the toddler to have fun. Buttons are always fun to use, too.

Craft Foam Snowmen

Preschoolers can enjoy making snowmen with 2 craft foam circles. They can cut the circles or you can have them pre-cut before your children begin.

If all the facial features, buttons and scarf are cut from the foam, your youngsters can have fun changing them around. Make different shapes for eyes and noses. Use several colors for scarves and buttons.

Recycled Milk Jug Snowman

A clean recycled milk jug can be used to make a snowman – or just his head. Create a black felt hat to put on top.

Incorporate the handle into the snowman's nose and draw his eyes on either side. Or use wiggly eyes, or craft foam eyes you make yourself.

Styrofoam Ball Snowmen

From diynetwork.comMore fun snowmen can be made by a group of kids. Have styrofoam balls of different sizes handy. Two or three can be stacked together.

Poke holes in the balls where they meet, and fill each hole with tacky glue and add a craft stick or toothpick to hold them together, and let dry.

While the glue is drying, kids can be cutting face parts from felt or craft foam and creating scarves, hats, mittens and brooms to finish their snowmen. You could even use small twigs to create arms to hang the mittens on.

And don't forget to add holly, jingle bells, and lots of glitter for a Christmas look.

Kids of all ages will have lots of fun crafting materials you have on hand into perfect snowman Christmas crafts.

Noreen Doll created to provide fun and easy craft projects for busy, creative people. Prepare to celebrate Christmas and any winter themed parties or events with Noreen's snowman Christmas crafts and ornaments.


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  1. These are so cute! I am going to do this craft at Christmas Dinner at my parents house. It will be such fun to work with the kids and have them decorate in their own style. Then we can light them for the night to light the way for Santa.

  2. These Snowman craft idea is amazing and a fun one for my kids to do. We are going to make these for Christmas! Thanks so much for the idea!

  3. Snowman Christmas crafts are fun! My children loved doing crafts when they were young and would have had a nice time with any of these.

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