August 6

Exploring Creation With Zoology 2 – Jeannie Fulbright Curriculum Review and Giveaway


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When I was offered the opportunity to review Exploring Creation With Zoology 2 (Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day) by Jeannie Fulbright from Apologia, I was elated.  I was already a fan of their curriculum as we had used the Exploring Creation With Human Anatomy and Physiology the previous school year.  Zoology has always been one of my favorite subjects and I was excited to see how this curriculum would complement our homeschool science program.   Jeannie Fulbright is a homeschooling mother of four and I love the idea of curriculum written by homeschooling moms.

The entire Exploring Creation line of curriculum are written using Charlotte Mason philosophies of education.  What is Charlotte Mason philosophy?  Well, it includes, ” a living, whole book approach to learning, as well as narration and notebooking. Living books engage the reader with words that inspire, not just inform. Whole books cover the subject in its entirety, rather than touching on elementary aspects of each field of science. Narration asks the students to tell back their learning in order to solidify their understanding; notebooking is an especially effective method for recording and retaining one's learning. All of these elements work together to create a course that produces students with science knowledge and understanding, not just memorization of science facts and figures.”   Our family currently participates in a Classical Conversations local co-op and this is exactly how we like to learn.  My 11 year old daughter, who had already been using the Anatomy and Physiology course, literally tore in to the books the minute they arrived. She couldn't wait to open the crisp new notebooking journal that accompanied the text.  Seeing a child this excited to learn is what makes a curriculum priceless.


Exploring Creation With Zoology 2 takes the student on journey under the sea.  Both fresh and salt, as well as shallow and deep waters are explored, with incredible life-like photos. Each chapter is engaging and includes  an area that encourages memorization as well as a “try this”  or easy experiment.  “For example: your students will experience the plight of a female sea turtle crawling on land, measure their teeth to estimate the size of sharks, and complete an activity that explores why some animals fossilized during the flood and others did not.”  Notebooking activities are also encouraged in each chapter.  We love the notebooking journal that is made specifically for the text.  The Zoology 2 Notebooking Journal,  includes daily schedules, templates for completing the assignments and activities, vocabulary crossword puzzles, review questions, project pages, Scripture copywork in both print and cursive, gorgeous, full-color lapbook-style miniature books the students create, as well as many additional projects, experiments, ideas and supplemental book/video lists for each lesson.”   They also have a junior notebook journal for the young ones.  My daughter's favorite part of this curriculum is the Ocean Box.   When we had finished covering a specific creation, say the shark, we would then fashion one by hand from whatever craft material we had, and place it is her miniature aquarium.  Talk about hand on learning!


Apologia offers  Science Curriculum for all levels.  We have already enjoyed two of their Elementary Science courses and plan on continuing with their Junior and Senior high school level curriculum.   In addition to their award-winning Science curriculum, “Apologia Educational Ministries offers biblical worldview and apologetic titles, online classes, inspirational books, homeschooling tools (such as planners), the Real Refreshment Retreats for homeschooling moms, and mission opportunities. All of our products and services have been created to help homeschooling families learn, live, and defend the Christian faith.”

Apologia is offering one lucky reader a copy of both Exploring Creation With Zoology 2 text and Notebooking Journal.  Enter below to win!
a Rafflecopter giveaway





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  1. Pingback: Exploring Creation with Zoology 2 Giveaway! | Homeschooling Articles, Freebies, Reviews and Giveaways
  2. I’d love to have this. We love Apologia Science! This year I’m teaching Apologia General Science, Biology, and Human Anatomy & Physiology.

  3. Thank you for the opportunity to win this!! What a great giveaway.
    Also- I tried to subscribe to the email thing, but it said no emails were available for that feedburner, or something like that… And then said it didn’t get my entry, try again on the rafflecopter. Then I went off this page and when I came back, it said “done” for that entry. Just thought you’d like to know if there’s a glitch of some sort. 🙂

  4. This is our first year with the highschool science!!!!! Pray for me! 🙂 This would be awesome for Emma! I have also used Apologia’s Jump In Writing curriculum. I love this publisher and Zoology is not a science text that I have! Emma would flip. 🙂

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