November 3

Five Ways Moms Can Relax #GSNCasino


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This post was made possible by iConnect: Influencer Managementand GSN Games. I was compensated for my time, but all opinions are 100% mine.
Five Ways Moms Can Relax

I'm the first person to admit that some times Mom is not synonymous with relaxing. In between feeding, clothing, cleaning, (and did I mention cleaning?) relaxing may be hard to come by. I've learned the hard way, we must take care of ourselves and unwind.

I've compiled a list of Five Ways Moms Can Relax.


Two female friends meeting for a coffee

Meet up with friends. Wait, wait, hear me out. You're telling me you barely have time to brush your hair but do it. (Yes, brush your hair too). I do it in the guise of a play date. A few moms in our homeschool group get together on a regular basis. It is a win/win because the kids play and we socialize. Sometimes we even drink wine 😀  Recently I've also joined a real live book club. I belong to two online but this is wonderful because we talk about books and other things and laugh so much!


Portrait of beautiful young woman reading a book on the sofa.

Reading. If you are a regular fan you know how much I love my books and not to just write them. I love to read and just because I had children I didn't quit. I try to read a book a week, sometimes two. I wait until the kids go to sleep and read a few chapters before I go to bed myself. Reading is a great way to unwind.


Young couple kissing and hugging in park.

If you have a spouse or significant other this one if for you. I swear that even a hug from my husband makes my day so much better.  Make time for your marriage, it makes everything more balanced and relaxing.


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Play app games on your phone. It is a great way to relax. I also do it to pass the time when the kids are at their activities and I'm waiting. I love GSN Casino games. My favorite games are Wheel of Fortune Slots and Deal or No Deal Slots. I loved the shows so much and I'm quite good 😀 You can also play cards and bingo too!


The app can be found in both the iTunes and Google Play stores

iOS link  / Android link


mother and little daughter planting vegetable in home garden field

Get outside. Garden, run, hike, go to the beach, whatever! Get some fresh air and sunshine.  It is good for digestion, your immune system, your lungs, and your emotions. Gardening is fantastic to do with the kids because they can help.



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  1. These are all great ways for moms relax. It is nice to set up a little get together with other mothers and have time for yourselves chat, etc., while the kids are play.

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