September 26

Freebie Alert – Space Junque


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  Space Junque

Nominated for Best Romantic Science Fiction/Fantasy in 2010 and Best Debut Book in 2010 by The Romance Reviews.
The DOGs want to destroy the world. The gods want to make a new one. The trick is to survive both.

On the brink of a world-wide ecological cataclysm set off by the Oil Spill of 2010 and the Great Sea Level Rise of 2070, hydroponics agronomist Char Meadowlark has become a recluse. Her fiance was killed by a terrorist bomb, and her twin sister Sky has gone underground to protect a top secret energy project. Warned about an impending eco-terrorist attack, Char tries to get off planet, but the Defenders of Gaia strike while she's at the airport. Shuttle pilot Jake Ardri might offer her only hope.
When the DOGs' onslaught goes global and the material world threatens to implode, the ancient gods reemerge to take control over humanity. Now Char has to juggle two men, a world on fire, and a goddess with an agenda for a new world order.
= = = = = =

novella, about 28,000 words or 112 pages

Down load Space Junque HERE for FREE

Be sure to grab Spiderwork (Apocalypto 2)   & Bleeder (Apocalypto 3)

LK Rigel also wrote an amazing Adult Fairy Tale Called Give Me – Win your copy HERE


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