February 8

Full Time MBA Full Time Mom?


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Have you thought about going back to school?

Has it been something in the back of your mind that you've thought about for awhile?

What is holding you back? Are you worried about less time with the children? The finances?

I admit it's a big step and it's one my friend made. She was a stay at home mom with two kids and what she thought was a fairy tale life until her husband left. She was scared to death! How was she going to take care of herself and her children.

She moved in with her parents, got a job, and went back to school.

She got scholarships and she makes sacrifices but she knows that it will all pay off for her.  You can get your masters in business administration in as little as 21 months. That is less than 2 years. I'm really proud of her. Some times it's rough but she's almost finished and she reminds herself how far she has come. She says that she will never have to rely on anyone again to take care of her and her kids.

Being a blogger I want to take some classes in business too. Sure I home school the kids and have  two businesses so I would have to work it in but I know that in the long run it will be worth it for myself and my family.

I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog for denver mba and
was compensated. However, the views and opinions are my own.



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