October 14

Guest post by Author Michael Barclay


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Three weeks, fifteen stops. This has been a great tour. I want to thank everyone who stopped by and left comments. Thank you for buying Hill 170. I also want to thank the bloggers who have hosted my tour – and posted some truly encouraging reviews. Thank you for helping spread the word about my debut novel.

And most especially I want to thank Mandie for doing such a great job setting up this tour. Thank you very much.

Mandie has done such a fantastic job that I granted her an ‘end of tour’ wish. She asked that I write a second guest post about fatherhood and writing, so here goes –

As a writer I am concerned about my daughter’s future when it comes to books. Personally, I love books. I have a huge library. And, even though I have lived in a dozen or so countries, I always lug my books with me. Nearly fifty percent of all the boxes of our most recent move (from Australia back to the U.S.) were for books. Nearly every room in our current home has a bookcase.

But soon there might be no more bookstores. Certainly no more of the ‘big box’ kind.
Schools are (wisely) switching to e-books on tablet computers. I say wisely because I’d prefer my daughter not cart a thirty pound book bag for the next twelve years. And, I don’t hate the idea of maybe saving a few trees (and dollars) buying digital.

As a parent I am pleased to see she is very interested in telling stories. In fact, she can hardly stop telling (or drawing) stories. After we read a book together she goes off and draws her own story based on elements of the story we just finished. But she always embellishes – usually by adding the viewpoint of a dragon or lizard!

It is gratifying to see her imagination grow and clarify. The stories she creates are becoming more complex – she is well past ‘beginning, middle and end’, she is already including complications and even twists!

I know as she grows I will have to keep myself in check. For example, the first time she comes home with a digital reader I must not make a face! That might turn her off from reading (or maybe I am exaggerating my influence).

Actually, I should be the ‘progressive, proactive’ parent and get her an ereader now. There is no doubt that she will have one in the future. If she gets it from me hopefully she will see it as a good thing and – to paraphrase Dory “just keep reading”.

There is one more thing of which I am certain; I will be first in line when she finishes her own debut novel. I just hope she doesn’t have me chased by too many dragons!

Buy this awesome ebook on Amazon for $8.99


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