August 1

Happy Family Stories from the Bright Side #hfbrightside


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 timthumb.phpDo you have a funny story? Of course you do!

Stories from the Bright Side is a campaign that Happy Family is running throughout the summer that shines a humorous light on food and feeding challenges that parents have through sharing funny stories told by top bloggers that are then acted out by improv troupe the Upright Citizen’s Brigade.

They are hilarious! Check them out on Happy Family Happy Family’s Facebook  share your stories and even help new moms realize that we all go through it! Here is my funny story…..

I have two daughters and we spend a lot of time in the kitchen baking and trying new recipes.

We have a LOT of funny stories but one of the FUNNIEST  is when I decided to let my girls help with Thanksgiving dinner last year. We aren't big on sweets but we always have pies, you have to have pumpkin pie with Thanksgiving right?

I decided we would make them from scratch instead of buying them like we usually do.  It was the girls' job to measure everything out. My 8 yr old daughter was in charge of the sugar and my 6 year old was in charge of the spices.  I was busy making mashed potatoes and working on the turkey so I let them at it making the pies.

The pies came out beautifully, they were picture perfect! I set them to the side to cool while we ate our dinner. After dinner I cut the pies and added the whipped cream. The girls were so excited and they were so proud of their desserts. My husband bit into his and looked at me. I bit into mine and eeewww. It was all spice – A LOT of spice and NO SUGAR.  I asked what happened to the sugar and apparently my 8 yr old put it all into ONE of the pies. All of the spice went into OTHER pie I was too busy cooking the dinner  to notice!

Next year either I have to pay better attention or we are back to buying our pies!


I hope I win the contest with my story! There is also a sweepstakes that is part of this contest where Happy Family will pick a funny feeding story to award $20K towards your child’s college education!

 For more information, visit,, or

A little side note – my girls are LOVE the happy SqueezeHappy Squeeze pouches. They are so yummy and

healthy. They love the toddler pouches too and you'd never know they had healthy things like kale, sweet potatoes,

and spinach! My girls are happily eating SPINACH!!



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