November 28

Have a Girls Night In, Drink Recipe, & PrizePack


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   It's so much more fun to stay in then to go out to a movie. I love being able to make yummy munchies (& Not paying $50!), being able to have a glass of wine, and giggling with my girlfriends.

  We take advantage of  Movies on Demand a lot. I love the comfort of my home and not having to leave! I'd rather spend that time getting everything ready to entertain my friends.

We each bring a dish, and or/ wine and have a good night in. The kids are in bed, the hubbys are in the garage or in their friend's garage and we can have fun!  List it!

Here a yummy drink for you and your girlfriends!

Moscatonade Drink Recipe

what you’ll need
2oz Luksusowa Vodka
il ]® moscato
4oz [ yellow tail Moscato ]
2oz lemonade
L emon
how to mix it up
Muddle ingredients in
lightly martini shaker. Shake
into a for 6 seconds. Strain
garnish collins glass and
with a lemon slice.

*If you prefer a sweeter drink
add more lemonade to the mix

I'm looking forward to watching Bridesmaids with my girlfriends. I'm also going to watch X-Men First Class all by myself because I'm a Sci-Fi nerd. No one would go to the theater with me so I get to watch it curled up on my comfy couch!

              Can't wait for Friends with Benefits Coming out 12/2/11

Now for an Awesome Giveaway –

One reader will win a $25 Visa Card, a Fast Five T-shirt, and a Movies on Demand tote bag. Fill out the Form below to  Enter!

Giveaway is over.

Disclosure: This promotional sponsored post was made possible by Mom Spark Media. I was compensated for my time investment and work on this campaign. Thoughts are my own.


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