October 4

Himalayan Salt Lamp Review and Sweeps

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by Meridith

I was so excited to receive my Himalayan Salt Rock Lamp to review.  I had heard of the fantastic benefits of such lights and was intrigued to see what all the fuss was about.  I was provided the 4-5lbs salt lamp that I placed next to my television in our media room.  I had heard about the EMF neutralizing ability of salt lamps, and also about their ionizing potential, so the perfect place was our most “electric” room that is often quite stuffy.

My husband and I turned it on and settled in for some TV.  We both kept remarking on the beauty of the lit crystal lamp.  After an hour or so my husband said, “the air feels different when I breathe.”  Mind you, this is coming from the man that thinks anything alternative is ridiculous.  When he said that I realized my nose had stopped running.   We both laughed that something as natural as a small salt lamp had completely reorganized the environment of our room.

Here is a snippet of some history on the salt lamps straight from Himalayan Salt Shop : “A Himalayan Salt Lamp is made from a chunk of salt crystal rock that was taken from the salt mines found in underground caves in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. The Himalayan salt lamp makes use of the minerals that have been preserved for millions of years, releasing their special properties through the introduction of heat from an electric bulb or from the flame of a candle. These special properties emitted from the Salt Lamp are responsible for promoting the health and wellness of individuals via ionization of the air and the eradication of pollution. The special properties of the Himalayan Salt Lamp consist of negatively charged ions that act on the contaminants in the air by neutralizing them and weighing them down so they can no longer circulate. When this occurs, individuals can breathe more easily and many ailments and allergies that frequently afflict them start to disappear. ”  You can check ot more testimonials here.

Apart from their fantastic environmental benefits they also make fun and beautiful room decor, sure to generate conversation amongst guests.  They come in different sizes and shapes and have a helpful area on their website that helps you choose what is right for your home or work space.  This is a definite “must have” on my gift giving list this holiday season, especially for the person who has everything!

We have teamed with Himalayan Salt Shop to offer one reader the beautiful 4-5lb salt lamp .

I received a product for my honest opinion and no other compensation was received.  Timeformommy is not responsible for the fulfillment of this contest.
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