May 15

Hot Fudge Sauce


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Summer is almost here!  Or so the calendar tells me.  We haven’t really had much of a spring here yet this year.  This weekend is in the 70?s though, so maybe it has finally arrived!  To get you ready for summer, I made you chocolate    You know, because summer means ice cream!  You can’t have ice cream without hot fudge, it is just wrong.




So what do you normally put on your ice cream?  Obviously I am a hot fudge kind of girl.  I also like caramel sauce if it is an option.  I am not much into fruit toppings though,  which is unfortunate because my husbands favorite topping is strawberry sauce.  Maybe I will have to give in and make that for him this summer.  So stay tuned!




This sauce is so smooth, velvety, and rich.  It comes together in 10 minutes, and lasts in the fridge for at least a month.  You can see I used it here to top some brownies.




My 8 year old (man it is hard to get used to typing that!), had some on his ice cream last night for his birthday dessert.  It does harden up in the fridge, but all you have to do is microwave it for a few seconds, and it gets all smooth and glorious again.  The biggest challenge is, actally having it make it to the fridge.  I ate way more spoonfuls of this stuff than I care to admit.


Hot Fudge Sauce




  • ½ cup butter

  • ? cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

  • 1 cup sugar

  • 6 oz evaporated milk

  • 1 tsp vanilla

  • ½ tsp salt




  1. In a saucepan combine butter, chocolate chips, evaporated milk, sugar, and salt. Heat over medium until it starts to boil. Boil for 7 minutes, stirring frequently.

  2. Remove from heat, and stir in vanilla extract.

  3. Serve while warm




Store in the fridge for up to a month



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