January 23

How to Make Homemade Pudding


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Pudding is one of our favorite treats and it's very easy to make.  Growing up I only had the boxed kind, I didn't even though YOU COULD  make homemade pudding. Now I will never go back to the powdered boxed kind.
Homemade pudding is an easy and inexpensive dessert to make using ingredients that are staples in your kitchen
Say good bye to that powdered pudding mix!

Hello to delicious easy to make goodness! Here is the recipe for Homemade Vanilla pudding.
•3/4 c. sugar
•4 egg yolks
•2 Tbsp. flour or cornstarch
•2 c. milk
•1 tsp. vanilla
1.Stir sugar, yolks, flour and milk together in pot over medium heat until boiling.

2.Continue to boil for 5 min. (for thicker pudding allow to boil while stirring for another few minutes, you will feel it thicken and it will thicken more when it sits)

3.Remove from heat, stir in vanilla and let sit for a few minutes

For Banana Pudding – Layer dish with vanilla wafers, top with sliced banana and pour pudding over top. Refrigerate for at least 1 hr.


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