April 16

Illusion by Jamie A. Hope Book Review


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By Jamie A. Hope
When alluring teenager Salem Stone becomes a magnet for assaulting demons and suddenly develops superhuman abilities, family secrets are revealed that will not only endanger his life and the life of his childhood loveā€”but the lives of everyone on earth.

Back Story:
Magnetic teenager Salem Stone dominates the football field, wrestling mat, and hearts of all of the girls at his school. But off the mat he is easy going, especially when it comes to his childhood love, Sarah.

Salem lives a charmed life until he is attacked by demons, leaving him with physical wounds. Salem struggles to keep the repeated assaults a secret, until he confides in his long time best friend Ben, who strangely dismisses the wounds with a logical explanation.

When Salem attempts to outrun the menacing demons, he develops superhuman abilities, leaving him with even more questions. Looking for an escape from the mental and physical torture, he becomes fixated on an irresistible new girl at school, Lily. As Salem focuses his attention on Lily, everything around him devolves into chaos, including his relationship with Sarah.

What he soon finds is the relentless pursuits by demons and his superhuman abilities are triggered by the same sourceā€”life threatening family secrets. Just when he thinks his family and friends are not who he thought they were, he discovers he's not who he thought he was eitherā€”and that he is the most hunted teenager on the planet.
And he has just been found.

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Book Review -I was given a copy for my honest review. Positive review was not required

Illusion had so many things I love. Demons, religious elements, and a fun action packed story. Definitely don't judge this book by the cover.Ā I appreciate how the author brought history into the story and Illusion has well developed characters. Salem was very likable and I enjoyed watching him change and who doesn't love a good love triangle. Actually all of the characters are great. It's the recipe for a perfect story.

I did have a few issues. The beginning didn't grab me, I would have put it down if I weren't reviewing but it gets better, much better. The book also borderlined on preachy, like I said above I Love religion in books but it's not what you say but how you say it. If you are Christian this most likely won't bother you at all. There were a few editing issues but the STORY is a great one and I do recommend for those 13+ who love a good fast paced read.

About the author:

Jamie Hope grew up in the heart of the automotive industry. Because of her constant hijinks and inability to journey, she created her own world filled with constant adventure where everyone was in trouble except her. As a mother of two, Jamie continues to visit her fictional world where she can vacation from her parental responsibilities and continue her once-upon-a-time hijinks.

Jamie has a B.A. in Business Administration from Michigan State University. She is a contributor for American Thinker, a 2012 top rated online public policy website, a substitute teacher, and an instructor for the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps.

Jamie has been featured in her local news!

Teaching local elementary kids just isn't quite enough for Jamie Hope. The 37-year old mother and substitute teacher from St. Johns just had her first novel “Illusion” published. It was released February 20 and is a young-adult sci-fi effort aimed at the kids she teaches. Ā – WILX Ch 10Ā 


She was also featured onĀ 99.1 WFMK,Ā the biggest morning talk show radio program in the State of Michigan, with Michael Patrick Shiels :Ā http://michigansbigshow.blogspot.com/2014/02/thursday-february-27-2014.html

Author Social Media:

Twitter: @jamieahope
Facebook: Jamie A. Hope
Email: jamieannhope(at)gmail.com
Website: jamieahope.com

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