June 18

Indigo Incite Book Tour #BookReview


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Indigo InciteThere are no secrets
Sixteen-year-old Tyler believed that his extra-sensory powers were a secret, but when his twin brother, Toby, is kidnapped by a covert government agency, he realizes that he has no secrets, and he has nowhere to hide.
He’s not alone
Now, in order to save himself and rescue his brother, Tyler must call upon the help of four strangers. Unknown to each other, Eddie, Liliana, Grace, and Sarah share a common bond. They are Indigo Children. With extra-sensory powers of their own, they must unite with Tyler in order to maintain their freedom.
Unexpected romance
They’re on the run. They’re on a mission. Romance is a distraction that Tyler can’t afford. But sometimes, the heart has a mind of its own.
Time is running out
Will they find Toby before the agency finds them first? Find out in Indigo Incite, Book One of the Indigo Trilogy.

Purchase on Amazon

About Jacinda BuchmannJacinda Buchmann

Jacinda Buchmann lives in Arizona with her husband and three children. She graduated from Carroll College, in Helena, Montana, with a B.A. in elementary education and later received a Master’s degree from Northern Arizona University, in school counseling. After spending several years as a teacher and later a school counselor, she now spends her time writing, any free chance she can get, that is, when she’s not spending time with her family or creating a new concoction in the kitchen.

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Review –  Being a teenager is hard enough but add in some telepathic ability and it just got harder. That's what Tyler and Toby are dealing with. They are “Indigo children” and have extra sensory abilities. These kind of children have been researched for years by the government.

The story line reminded me of X-Men or even some elements of the t.v. show Fringe which I loved! This was my kind of story – I like Sci-Fi and Fantasy but usually only when it is set in present times and in our world which this was.

This story was told from multiple points of view. Sometimes that can be confusing but this author did a wonderful job of making it clear. You really get to know and like the characters.  This book has a little bit for everyone – Mystery, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Romance, and a lot of action.

I'm looking forward to more in the series and is a great Young Adult Read.

I received a copy of this book for my honest opinion, no other compensation was received.

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