September 22

IT’S NOT SO BAD – Tips for Traveling with Infants


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     My husband and I are busy people; we like to go places and do things.  It seemed like when we were dating and first married we were gone somewhere every weekend doing something fun and exploring somewhere new.  I assumed as we added children to our family that things would slow down; and they have…a little.  We've somehow managed to increase our travelling since having our son. I never would've guessed we'd have gone on as many trips as we have over the past 8 months but in doing so have learned quite a bit!

      I remember when we were preparing for our first flight with child (he's now been on 4 round trip flights) it seemed everything we heard about plane travel with babies and children was so negative.  People talking about how much stuff you have to haul with kids, how they get thrown off their schedules, how it's no longer fun anymore to travel with kids, etc. etc. etc..  Needless to say, we had some serious reservations and apprehensions about what to expect from our experience.
    On our first trip we went back and forth about how much to bring; we were going to visit my brother and his fiance in their very tiny 1 bedroom apartment so were forced to be selective.  Our son was 3 months old so we broke it down to the basics; diapers, clothes, stroller, front pack carrier and car seat.  We're comfortable sleeping with our little guy so had him both sleep with us as well as in a small travel bed that easily zips and breaks down small enough to fit into a carry on size suitcase.
    For the plane ride I expected that he would cry and be bothered by the air pressure so I planned to breastfeed during landing and take off.  Surprisingly we had a great experience; no crying or screaming (PHEW)!! Thankfully being only 3 months old and not on a rigid sleep schedule he was still able to sleep anywhere any time without being distracted.  This experience built our confidence with travel and flying and we've actually done this trip 2 other times since.
    As he's gotten older his definitely become more active on the plane and sleep and naps are a smidge trickier to juggle but we make it work. The flights we've taken have been direct and have also not been any longer than 3 hours, we've been able to pass him back and forth and after our first time really felt like if we could do it once we could do it again (and again) it was quite the sense of accomplishment!
  I think there is a lot weighing on how traveling with a little one (for the first time) actually pans out (or if you even take the risk).  A bad experience can ruin your desire to try again and a good one builds confidence to continue toting your little one around.  Based on our experience(s) I thought I'd share my top 10 list of things to consider while traveling with your infant.
Tips for Traveling with Infants
(based on my experience from months 3-8 with our little guy…please keep in mind I've learned some of these the hard way)
1. My #1 top and most important thing to consider when traveling with infants is know your limits and keep your baby in mind while making travel plansDon't try to take on too much or go too far; you are potentially setting yourself up for failure.  If it's your first time keep it simple go somewhere far enough to take an airplane but not so far that you have to switch planes and wait in airports for hours on end it's not worth the stress (once you know how you and your baby do with airplane travel you may choose to be more adventurous).
2. Remember when you were a kid and you went on vacation as a family? You know…you got to stay up late and eat sugar cereals…? The same applies for travelling with an infant (well minus the sugar cereals)-if your baby is on a schedule don't expect them to stick with one…(I learned this the hard way working around our little guy's nap schedule meant we didn't get to enjoy our trip because I was so focused on naps….what's the point of going somewhere if you're not going to enjoy it?).  You'll go home eventually where you'll get back on track.  Being off a nap schedule isn't going to ruin a child's life-your kids won't remember whether or not they had a nap or judge your parenting skills based on such; but, they will remember family memories and fun times togetherBabies are human they'll sleep when they're tired; while traveling it may not be “good” sleep but it'll be sleep.  Our little guy recently feel asleep in a front pack on the dance floor at a wedding (not ideal but he was tired)…if you're able to vacation as a family-make memories and enjoy it!
3.  Traveling with kids does require bringing more stuff than if it were just the two of you…but it doesn't mean bring the whole nursery!! Pack light; bring the essentials and most importantly consider convenience for everyone (you and baby included) while gathering belongings together. A portable crib is awesome but if you're considering the lack of ease in lugging it all over the airport or the possible extra expense of checking it consider making a bed once you get there…a few towels and blankets on the floor work wonders.
4.  Make lists! Make lists of things to bring for you and yourself and choose your bag before doing it! If you are traveling with a suitcase make sure to have it in mind while making your list so you don't over pack.
5. Know TSA regulations for bringing breast milk and or formula through security and onto an airplane. Bring age appropriate toys and food and make sure they're easily accessible; this will alleviate panic if your little starts to get antsy.
6. Change your baby's diaper just before you board the plane.
7.  Make sure you're rested and that you've eaten enough before leaving the house so you're ready to focus on your baby and your trip rather than feeling overly exhausted and tired.
8.  Get to the airport with enough time to get through security and make sure you're taking only the essentials through the security check points and on to the plane.  The more you have the more you have to worry about.  We keep our baby in the stroller until we get to security; at security we load our stroller (which holds the front pack in the storage compartment), carry-ons (one for my husband and the diaper bag for me), and a carry on suitcase and shoes onto the security belt; then I walk through the metal detectors with the baby.
9. Don't expect perfection out of yourself or your baby.  If you've never done this before you really have no idea what to expect from your baby and by no means does anyone expect you to!  If your baby cries, your baby cries! Don't try to make excuses or apologies just focus on you and your baby and figure out how to remedy the situation.
10. RELAX! Know that things aren't going to be the way they are at home and try your best to go with the flow and be kind to yourself!
*What are your travel tips and experiences? Have you found something that works well for you and your family? Care to share?

Erin Medina Heins loves photography and is an amateur sewer , former substance abuse counselor and case manager turned professional baby snuggler. Each day she works to cherish her time with her rapidly growing sweet little baby man while balancing not letting life and it’s distractions get in the way! Visit her on her blog, Facebook, and twitter.


Erin Medina Heins

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