July 30

New, Improved Yoplait Trix Yogurt Makes Snacktime Healthier


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I'm very strict of what I allow my children to eat. They have one chance to grow up healthy and get the nutrition they need as a building block for the rest of their lives. When I see brightly colored packaged with marketing to see kids scream “I want Mom!” I stay clear.

I know my girls had the Trix yogurts before with my mother in law but I had never bought them but when I was offered a chance to try these I was all over it since they were healthy yogurts. My girls didn't notice any difference at all. They thought the yogurts were yummy. They were very excited when they saw the fun colors and asked if i had swirled them myself.

This morning they ate the Yoplait Trix Strawberry Punch. I tasted it before I gave it to them and it was actually good. It didn't have that nasty fake taste. It doesn't have any artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners at all. No high fructose corn syrup which is a big thing with me. I would actually eat these yogurts as it wasn't too sweet at all. I can honestly saw I feel good about giving it to them.

These are great to grab and pack for a park day! They are convenient and healthy which is VERY important to me!

“Trix are for kids” but unwanted additives definitely are not. That's why Yoplait® Trix®
Yogurt comes in silly, swirly flavors kids love, without high fructose corn syrup, artificial
flavors, or sweeteners. It's still the same bright, fun, colorful snack, only better. You'll love
that they love it!

 “Disclosure: Compensation was provided by General Mills via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of General Mills.


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  1. I always remember when I ate these (like you said) that they had the fake taste to them…. left over a weird texture in my mouth. My lo is still really young, but I maybe have to try these for myself!! Thanks for the post/update 😀

  2. My son also loves this yogurt, he eats different brands, but I know he enjoys Yoplait. I am glad to know that they do not have artificial ingredients or high fructose. I try to buy products without these ingredients.

  3. I have an extremely picky eater. He’s 4 and will eat about 5 different foods. Lucky for me, yogurt is one of them if the flavor is right. I like that there is no artificial sweetener in Trix yogurt. Its hard enough to fetal nutritious food in him without worrying about the extra stuff added.

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