November 25

New Release Reign Drops (Bloodborne Series Book 1) and Kindle Giveaway


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A simple Mayan girl. A powerful spirit. A bloodthirsty monster. All leading to a desperate quest.
When the Mayan calendar ended some people scoffed while others joked and a few waited for the end of the world. After living half her life apart from her native people, Dalia no longer believes in the supernatural and monstrous things that the final cycle predicted.
But unbelief is not protection.
Going home draws her into a fight against mythical creatures, limitless power and a battle for humanity's survival. Can Dalia balance an outsider's knowledge and tribal wisdom to give the world a fighting chance? Or will she choose to stay blind and let the world collapse around her?

Reign Drops the running start to launch The Bloodborne Series, a saga of urban fantasy novels. If you like tenacious heroines, Mayan legends, and new twists on magical beasts, then get this book today!


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