January 13

Pre-Order Sealed and Claim Your FREE Gift and CONTEST


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Pre-Order Sealed and Claim Your FREE Gift is available for pre-order!

To celebrate the release of book 4, Sealed, I've:

  • created a giveaway for a chance to win a Labradorite wishing bottle and mini book of shadows.
  • a gift w/pre-order!

There's a smorgasbord of good stuff on this page so make sure you scroll all the way to end!

Karma's a bitch.

Loti and Wolf have learned that the hard way. After saving Heather MacGregor’s life, their three-way blood bond now threatens Wolf’s sanity and Loti’s life. And Heather wishes they had just let her die.

Until an unexpected ray of light shines in her dark night of the soul and she finds a passion that puts everything she’s ever held dear into question. Now torn between unspeakable pleasures and the love she’s lost, Heather is vulnerable to an insidious attack. Unable to resist an enthralling temptation, her choices leave them all facing certain death.

Through a maze of blood debts and soul-contracts, exquisite passion and unparalleled desire, and more treachery and deceit, the threesome slips ever deeper into Modore’s ancient trap, one that will finally give him the key to his six-thousand-year-old obsession and the utter destruction of humankind.

Fans of the reverse harem genre will love this polyamorous paranormal romance


Thank you so much for ordering SEALED, book 4 in the Of Light and Blood Saga! Everyone who pre-orders SEALED before release day, JANUARY 20, 2020, gets a free copy of my ebook 5 Tarot Practices for Activating Your Intuition!


And last but not least, enter the rafflecopter for a chance to win a Labradorite wishing bottle and mini book of shadows!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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