July 26

Protect Your Family’s Eyes from too Much Screen Time #ProtectYourEyes


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This sponsored post is a part of the campaign “Protecting America’s Eyes” by Reticare in order to inform U.S. citizens about the importance of eye protection from device screens. The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own.


My family spends a lot of time on our electronics. I'm a blogger and a writer so I am always behind a screen for work. When I do have free time I'm reading or playing games with the kids. We even use our tablets for long driving trips to keep the kids entertained, in other words, we use it a lot.   That doesn't even include the fact that we are a homeschooling family that uses it a lot! I know that we are straining our eyes, 2 out of 4 of us are wearing glasses!!

It doesn't just affect MY family, I look around and all my friends are dealing with the same thing. Did you know that The Vision Council’s 2016 Digital Eye Strain Report found that nearly 60% of Americans use digital devices for five hours or more each day, and 70% of Americans use two or more devices at a time. WE DO THIS!! I am so guilty!

What is this strain doing to our eyes? What about our children?  They have a much higher risk of damaging their eyes  than we do! Overexposure to high-energy light due to the fact that natural eye lens protection does not complete its development until age 25.

How can Reticare Products Protect Your Eyes?

 Reticare’s eye protector screens naturally absorb high-energy light and provides different levels of protection based on the users age and amount of time spend in front of the screen. They also protects our eyes from 3 risks:

1.Sleep disorders (especially if you are like  me and read RIGHT before bed!)

2.Computer Vision Syndrome with symptoms such as red eyes, blurry eyes, irritated eyes and headaches

3.Retina damage which is the most important since retina damage can onset Glaucoma, Cataracts and Macular Degeneration which can lead to blindness.  Once the retina cells die from being overexposed to high energy light, they don’t recover.  So we must protect our eyes with Reticare to keep our eyes healthy.

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Each pack had two protectors and they fit all of our tablets and applying Reticare eye and screen protectors is super easy and the package includes everything that you will need, along with complete application instructions.

Now we are protected when we read at night or do school during the day.

How many hours do you spend a day staring at your screen? Protect yourself and check out Reticare's website.

Follow Reticare on Twitter.


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  1. This is important information. As an older woman who already has the precursor to macular degeneration (having nothing todo with screen time) I don’t want my condition to worsen.

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