April 2

Relatively Close Book Excerpt and #bookgiveaway


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Relatively Close

Recovering from the latest family trauma has made the Montiago family wake up to the fact that their priorities have definitely been misplaced.

With Max throwing himself into the depths of his work as an FBI operative, he inadvertently sends the wrong message to his wife and brothers.

In Relatively Close, the third book of the series, Lilly fights for the attention of her husband, until it becomes painfully clear that she is up against a mistress way more powerful than the ones she has fought before.

Keeping it relatively close is something with which Lilly is way too familiar. She turns her attentions to another, only to find out that the reality of the business, which has kept her dripping in diamonds and living in mansions, is nothing more than an ugly reminder of El Diablo anda suelto: The devil running loose.

Buy Relatively Close

Read an Excerpt
I ran to Hector and knelt down beside him. “Talk to me,” I
said. “Hector, talk to me.” He reached out for my hand. “I have
never been able to forget you, Lilly.” I could hear his voice begin to
weaken. “I need you to know that I am still in love with you.”
“I know, Hector, I know,” I whispered, putting my lips closer
to his ear. He squeezed my hand and then closed his eyes. I looked
at Diego.
“Wake him up, Lilly. Wake him up!” I slapped his face a few
times gently and he looked up at me.
“Max?… Max?…” Hector gasped.
“Hector, save your strength,” I told him.
“Max, is he..? Max?…” he was muttering, barley conscious.
“He’s alive,” I answered. “He’s alive.”
“Lilly,” Diego called. “Were you hit?”
“No, they both took the bullet though.”
“Lilly, it’s okay,” Hector whispered weakly. “I’d do anything
for you.”
“Lilly,” Max reached out his hand across Diego to me. I quickly
became overwhelmed.
“Regina!” I yelled. “Get over here, now!”
She continued to sit motionless at the counter. Maria came
running to me with a towel and pressed it against Hector’s side. He
opened his eyes. “I love you,” he whispered and closed his eyes
again. I kissed his forehead and moved back over to where Max
was lying on the floor.

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  1. This definately sounds like a good one. I would love to read the other books too. Thanks for the chance to win this one. 😉

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