June 23

Rhuna: Crossroads by Barbara Underwood #Giveaway


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Rhuna CrossroadsRhuna: Crossroads

The sequel to Rhuna, Keeper of Wisdom, and the second book in an exciting and unique historical Fantasy series, Rhuna: Crossroads is set in exotic Ancient Egypt and features unforgettable characters and a riveting adventure.
Some years have passed since Rhuna helped to defeat the Dark Master in her new home of Atlán, and now Rhuna has a teenage daughter who accompanies her on an assignment in Ancient Egypt to investigate some disturbing reports. She soon discovers an astonishing underground network of the Dark Master's followers, along with the secret group of Atlans dedicated to stopping them.

In the process of trying to carry out her assignment, Rhuna is confronted with enormous challenges which could drastically change her entire life and everything she has ever believed in!

Paperback: http://www.amazon.com/Rhuna-Crossroads-Barbara-Underwood/dp/1503503852

Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Rhuna-Crossroads-Barbara-Underwood-ebook/dp/B00VFKJ3MA

Rhuna KeeperRhuna, Keeper of Wisdom – Book 1

In the distant past, when a utopian civilization built the pyramids and other megalithic structures using magical powers, a young girl named Rhuna learns the truth about her father and the enemy that caused his demise. The idyllic civilization in which she flourishes and finds love is threatened by this old nemesis, and only Rhuna possesses the special inherited skills to stop him.

Paperback: http://www.amazon.com/Rhuna-Keeper-Wisdom-Historic-Fantasy/dp/1499005393

Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Rhuna-Keeper-Wisdom-Fantasy-Books-ebook/dp/B008YN2QMK


Barbara UnderwoodAbout the author:

Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, Barbara has loved to write since early school days, and has now combined her travel experiences and interests in history, folklore and people in this exciting and unique Fantasy series. She now resides in Tumut, New South Wales, with her husband, Bobby, and their dog, Cisco.

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Literary Addicts | Goodreads


Reading with Frugal Mom – There is a lot of excitement and secret in Rhuna: Crossroads. It is full of twists, many unexpected. There are many new characters that were interesting. The growth of Rhuna's daughter in the story is a nicely done.

Sue from Bookalicious Babes This – the second book of the Rhuna Fantasy Book Series – is as amazing as the first book. Barabara Underwood does an awesome job of vividly describing her characters and describing the fast-paced plot of the story. (Read Sue's review of book 1 here


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