May 18

Rizzoli & Isles Season 2 on DVD – Burning Down the House


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In the final episode of Season 2, Burning Down the House, fans were left with a cliffhanger after everything came to a head at the end of the episode. Doyle (Maura's father) arrives on the scene just in time to save his daughter from the would-be killer, but he evades arrest and starts shooting at the cops. Jane shoots back and ends up killing Maura's father. As deep as the friendship is between Jane and Maura, it's going to be a rough road for their relationship to overcome the situation. How do you think Jane and Maura's friendship will play out in the third season?

Me? Well I think it would be strained, how could it NOT be? I am sure in time Maura will understand that Jane was only doing her job. How do you get past your friend killing your Father? What do you think?
I can't wait for next season to start!!

Preorder the DVD, available 5/22

Rizzoli & Isles Season Two on DVD by thewbdotcom

“I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Rizzoli & Isles Season Two on DVD.”

Preorder the DVD, available 5/22


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