May 11

Rizzoli & Isles Season 2 on DVD – Focus on the Past


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Did you go to your high school reunion? I didn't. I HATED high school so why torture myself? Besides I talk to everyone I want to on Facebook. No good could come out of my highschool reunion.

In Seventeen Ain't So Sweet, Jane heads to her high school reunion and brings along Maura. She shouldn't have gone either!

The fun is cut short after a series of murders take place all involving fellow students. Jane is forced to focus on the past to help solve the case when she realizes that everyone in her class is a potential suspect. Knowing some people in my class this could have happened at my reunion… okay maybe not but it makes for good t.v. right?

You can buy the 2nd season of rizzoli & isles on DVD and check out brand new episodes of the third season premiere – Tuesday, June 5th at 9/8c on TNT



I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Rizzoli & Isles Season 2 on DVD


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