September 5

Say Goodbye to Summer Giveaway Hop


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The kids are back in school and summer has come to an end. The Anti-June Cleaver and Our Piece of Earth have teamed up with an amazing group of bloggers to say goodbye to summer and welcome all things pumpkin spice.
Once you've entered my giveaway, hop around the linky below for a chance to win even more great prizes. Good luck!

I'm giving away a $25 Amazon GC. Fill out the form below to enter

Amazon Gift Card - 25

Hop around

The Anti-June Cleaver, Our Piece of Earth, and the rest of the bloggers participating in the Say Goodbye to Summer giveaway hop are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations


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  1. I look forward to the nicer weather! I also look forward to when my husband goes on paintball trips or hunting trips so that mom and I can shop! But I do enjoy taking evening walks with the husband and looking at Halloween decorations.

  2. I am looking forward to cooler temps, fall cooking and Halloween. I am also excited for my daughter getting married this fall.

  3. Apple picking, hay rides, picking out pumpkins, Pumpkin spice lattes and the leaves changing. I love so many things about Fall!

  4. I am looking forward to cooler weather and pumpkin baked goods!!! Once September comes my mother goes crazy with pumpkin dessert recipes. They taste FANTASTIC! <3

  5. Ah… the fall. I’m so looking forward to it! What I’m most excited for is the cooler weather and being able to wear hoodies!

  6. We are welcoming our newest grandchild this October and I’m looking forward to seeing all my grandkids dressed for Halloween and for Thanksgiving.

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