December 3

Surrender $100 Book Blast $100 Amazon Giftcard


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Surrender by Rhiannon Paille

How far would you go to save everything you ever loved?

Kaliel was warned about her love for the Ferryman. One day he will marry the land and leave Avristar forever. She doesn't listen, and because of what she is– a Flame– one of nine apocalyptic weapons, she sparks a war. In a desperate attempt to save her home and her love, Kaliel tries to awaken Avred, not knowing she may have to make the ultimate sacrifice.

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Amazon Kindle

Praise for Surrender

“My head is still spinning a bit about the plot though because I can't believe it. It's better than ice cream for a break up. The plot was original, the characters were relatable and down to earth despite not living on Earth.” – Courtney at Readable Charper

“Surrender is definitely full of emotion and will take you on an incredible journey through the eyes of these two incredible characters.”
– Lucy at Moonlight Gleam

“Reading this book felt like reading a classic, but with everything I love in a book: romance, heartbreak, and lots of action! I would recommend this book to EVERYONE and then dare them not to fall in love with it!”
– Sammie Spencer, Author of Amaretto Flame

“Rhiannon Paille creates a unique and beautiful world that will draw you in and make you remember what it was like to be young, innocent, and full of wonder.”
– Cory Putman Oakes, Author of The Veil

“Surrender is hands down one of my favorite fantasy books ever. YA or not, this is just pure awesomeness and every fantasy fan should read it. It's a delectable, rich in detail, numbingly brilliant and swoon-worthy read that you can't afford to miss out on.”
– Evie at Bookish Evie

Author Rhiannon Paille:

Rhi was never a normal girl. Her life was an urban fantasy wrapped in a paranormal romance and served with a side of horror. To escape her everyday weirdness she began writing fantasy. She studied at U of Sedona and MIMT, obtaining a PhD in Metaphysical Science and Parapsychology. She's married to a chef/comic book shop owner and has a fondness for architecture.

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Book Blast Giveaway:
$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 12/12/12
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