March 21

Ways to Wellness Ask Theresa

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Dear Theresa,


What is the best diet to promote fertility?


Thank you,

Trying to Conceive


Dear Trying to Conceive,


Fertility is a major concern these days.  More women are trying to conceive with less success. The reason for each woman is different.


If you are wanting to improve your chances of conception, the first place to start is to get the processed foods out of your diet and aim for 100% whole foods.  This is meat, fish and fowl raised naturally, whole grains and fresh vegetables and fruits.


Another approach I have seen to be very effective is to use herbal remedies.  The best herb to increase fertility is red clover leaf.  It can be found in any health food store in the tea or herbal sections.  Drinking this herb in tea form is a great way to tone the female reproductive system and increase your vitamin and mineral intake. To make it more effective you can use the same herb in an infusion.


If you are wondering if it works, a good friend of mine got pregnant drinking this tonic herb daily even through two forms of contraceptives.  Talk about a surprise pregnancy.


Conception is more likely when the mother and father find balance in their lives.  We have all heard how a couple can get pregnant when they stopped trying.  The stress is off trying to conceive and the parent’s bodies are allowed to do their magic.


All forms of stress inhibit the mother’s body from getting pregnant to protect it from the added burden of childbearing.  The father’s body is continually making sperm so a balanced body puts more energy into making strong swimmers.


Some good stress reduction techniques can be found in Yoga, QiGong, Tai Chi and meditation.  Any of these will help to balance the body to make a baby.


Good luck and many blessings to you and your future family!  Keep the balance in your life and you should see some exciting results.




The information provided in this column is based on thorough studies in Nutrition, Theresa’s experience as a Health Coach and personal experience. Any recommendations made about nutrition, supplements or lifestyle should be discussed between you and your doctor because each person has their own medical needs that are beyond the scope of this column. The information provided here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read in this column.


trying to conceive

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