February 15

Ways to Wellness Ask Theresa

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Dear Theresa,

Which are the best kinds of bread to eat when you are diabetic?  

Thank you,
Missing My Carbs


Dear Missing My Carbs,

Bread, or flour products in general, as you know, are a difficult one for diabetics to give up.  The reason they are so dangerous for diabetics is they cause insulin levels to jump up.  White flour is the worst type of flour for this because most of the germ and bran have been removed which lowers the fiber content of the bread.

A whole grain bread has higher fiber and will slow down your digestive process.  It also has the added benefit of providing nutrients that support the body in creating energy.

I would also suggest breads made with sprouted grains. The sprouting process releases the enzyme inhibitors from the grains making them more digestible and nutrient-dense.  These are usually kept in the freezer section because they have more living food properties than traditional bread.  Ezekiel Bread is the most popular one in the market right now.

Theresa Grisanti has studied nutrition and psychology with experts in this field for over 20 years. Using her Bachelor's in Psychology and Master's degree in Nutrition, she coaches people to understand how their body works and ways to eat that promote health and vitality. You can find more information about Theresa on her website: http://theresagrisanti.com


carbs, heath

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