December 4

Welcome to the World! by Kanta Bosniak #BookReview


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welcome to the worldWelcome to the World! by inspirational author Kanta Bosniak works as a baby blessing for the child and for the child in us all. Directly addressing the child, it serves as a kind of loving welcome as well as a kind of spiritual owner's manual for exploring the adventure of life.

The book gently anchors self-worth, confidence, kindness, and compassion. Parents can read it to the baby still in utero, to the newborn, as well as to the toddler.

This is the perfect gift for  expectant or new parents. When our little ones are born we want to wrap them in love and this book does that. It offers beautiful illustrations and sweet words to uplift the new family in positive and loving feelings.

I suggest picking this book up and reading throughout childhood and even into adulthood because we all need encouragement.

My girls are 8 & 10 and loved this book. I loved it as well and we have read it together several times already. I will be buying this for every baby shower I attend from now on. It goes well with the companion coloring book.

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I received this book to review through Beck Valley Books Book Tours, all the opinions above are 100% my own.


available to purchase from Etsy unsigned

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PLUS Signed Books of Welcome to the World! and Coloring Book
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