April 5

What does it take to look good?


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My mother is a cancer survivor.  The joy at being able to say that was hard one but she is still here and I am so grateful.  She was diagnosed with breast cancer 10 years ago.  We were all scared but we rallied around her.

The treatments were hard on her body.  The chemotherapy was brutal. The worst part for my mom was the hair loss.  I know some women go bald but that just wasn’t my mom.  For her looking nice was part of who she was.  When her hair went she lost the spring in her step.

We looked at getting her a wig but they are so pricey.  With everything insurance didn’t cover with cancer treatment, there wasn’t much disposable cash.  The immediate choices didn’t offer any discount wigs.

My internet skills came in handy again and we found a site with cheap wigs for women.  My mom found a style that was even more flattering than her own hair.  When she was able to go out with her wig on, you could see the confidence in her step again.

Now she has her own hair back.  I will take this style over the wig any day.


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