March 3

What to do with Aging Parents?


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When aging parents start to have trouble living on their own, it marks a time many dread thinking about. We don't want to consider put our parents in a senior living center but we want to keep them safe and happy.

Recently, my in-laws have been spending far too much time with doctors. There have been three 911 calls in as many weeks. My father-in-law had a two night hospital stay and my mother-in-law has been to urgent care. The reality is they are starting to get old. The hardest to take is living more than 1400 miles away from them and knowing we could never arrive in time for any kind of emergency.

We are considering ways to keep our parents safe while they are so far away. Using a medical alert system is definitely on the short list of solutions. We are all in agreement that it would be nice to know that when they are home alone, both of them would have the ability to contact emergency personnel quickly.

It is hard to think of taking our parents from their home and the life they love so much. We hope that using a medical alert system will be the solution that keeps them independent and living a comfortable life. It will certainly give us piece of mind.




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