April 30

Why Dinner is So Important for Family Time #FindYourBold


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When my girls were little we made the decision that no matter how busy we were that we would try to always have dinner together. We would talk about our day because we wanted to be parents that kept the line of conversation open. Everyone is sitting and calm, you can connect after a long day.

We've done that because it is important to us. We have bold conversations and discuss what we did, what we want to do with our lives and sometimes the conversations are funny or even a little inappropriate (I don't really want to hear about the lizards who were mating out back on the fence! HA!)

He have bold dinners too. Last night we had the Ore-Ida® Bold & Crispy  Zesties®! with lamb burgers. The girls said the fries were better than a restaurant and the lamb burgers weren't too bad either. They even added some guacamole to their burgers. Better than a restaurant indeed, and better for my wallet too.




Start more conversations with your kids. New research sponsored by Ore-Ida® Bold & Crispy shows that 90 percent of parents want to liven up dinner time talk with their children. Ore-Ida is helping parents bring flavor back to mealtime and inspire bolder conversations through starter questions found on a new #FindYourBOLD Pinterest board.



Save $1 on any Bold and Crispy!




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