August 11

YogaToes Review and Sweeps


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by Meridith

YogaToes are something I never thought about needing until I tried them.  Now I can't imagine NOT having YogaToes!  YogaToes are revolutionizing the way we take care of our feet.  We all know that practicing yoga helps strengthen and heal our muscles, so why not let the part of our body that takes the most wear do yoga too?

As a working mom I am on my feet alot, and I often wear no shoes at on hard tile all day.  This has led to foot pain, and I was actually diagnosed with a plantar fibroma last month.  The plantar fascitis is a common diagnosis among people who wear ill fitting shoes (high heels) and those who spend a good portion of their day on their feet.  How many times have you come home from a long day and just wanted to soak your feet?  I know many women who complain about bunions and foot pain because their dress shoes for work compress their feet all day.  YogaToes, “are designed to naturally treat and help prevent foot problems like bunions, Plantar Fasciitis, and hammer toes. They work by spreading,  stretching & exercising toes. YogaToes‘ patented  design fits between, above and beneath toes to gently stretch  them  apart and away from the balls of your feet. This supports a  return to a  natural and healthy state, helping you avoid costly surgeries.”  They were featured on the Dr. Oz Show, and included on Kathie Lee and Hoda's favorite things.  Their website includes lots of helpful information and a sizing chart.  You can also watch videos on proper use and a recommendation by an M.D.

One thing I enjoyed doing was putting them in the freezer for a few minutes before putting them on my toes.  I loved this item so much that I actually gave one of my girlfriends, who is famous for her cute heels, a set of YogaToes for her birthday.  Now we are giving one lucky reader a chance to own their own set YogaToes.

I received a product for my honest opinion and no other compensation was received.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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