May 4

Zennical Optical – Cheap and Cute Eyeglasses


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cheap glasses

Are you looking for new eye glasses? One that are affordable?

Zenni Optical: the #1 online store offering high quality complete prescription eyeglasses from $6.95. Virtually any pair of glasses, even bifocal or progressive eyeglasses, can be ordered on Zenni's website. You can get them with or without tint for only $4.95. It's an option not to be overlooked, whether for fashion or sunglasses. Full rim, half rim, even rimless frame eyeglasses can be tinted to suit your style or usage. You can try any frame before you buy with Zenni's frame fit. With with the affordable prices at Zenni, you can buy multiple pairs and switch styles to match any outfit or mood.

This is perfect for me. They have some REALLY cute and cheap eyeglasses. I NEVER can find my glasses, I'm always digging for them. I need glasses in my office, next to my couch for when I read and some in my purse. When they are that cheap I can afford to get several pairs!

You don't buy from a middle man, you get it directly from them online and they pass the savings on to you.

As a matter of fact I need new glasses. All of this computer work is really killing my eyes and I usually forget my glasses in another room. Would you give Zenni Optical a try?



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  1. I used them for my last pair of glasses since my insurance wouldn’t cover a spare pair if they covered my contacts. It cost a bit extra to get better lenses, but I love my glasses and they were less than $20. I think the coolest feature is where you get to upload your photo to “try them on”.

  2. I haven’t gotten new glasses in many years! I haven’t been able to afford them, but WOW! I need to check out Zenni Optical asap! These are truly affordable and nice, too!

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