May 5

Why is Shout® Trigger different from other stain removers?


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This post brought to you by Triad Retail Media. All opinions are 100% mine.

My almost six year old is accident prone and well, she's six so she gets VERY messy! My older daughter isn't quite as bad but she' klutzy and gets scraps that get blood on them. I can't begin to tell you how many shirts and dresses I've had to trash because I couldn't get the stains out over the years. Grass stains, icecream stains, blood, spaghetti… we've seen it all!

Shout® Trigger is packed with stain-fighting ingredients and enzymes to quickly penetrate, break up and remove tough stains! Here is a little info about the product for you

•Triple-Acting Formula


oPenetrates oLifts away stains – ALL of them!

•Convenient trigger dispenser. – so much better than the old fashion way! I use to use borax and soak it over night. This is SO much easier and all of the stains come out!

•Safe for all colorfast washables. I'm bad, I also like to wash my colors together.

•Works in all water temperatures. (love this because I wash in cold mostly!) I love it I just squirt and go! Stains come out easily. Some products I have used only got out half of the stains hence the Shout® Trigger gets out ALL of the stains even blood from scrapes when the girls fall. If you are a mom then you definitely need this! My husband also own a landscape business so we see our share of dirt and grass stains. Dirty!!

You can purchase Shout® Trigger at Walmart! (usually find some coupons too!)

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