October 18

4 Ways Owning a Potting Shed Can Help You


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4 Ways Owning a Potting Shed Can Help You

As a gardening enthusiast, you may very often experience limitations on pursuing your interest due to lack of space. If this is you, then I am sure you can agree with me that potting sheds are the best invention, after sliced bread of course. Maybe your hobby is not limited by space but it is greatly affected by the different seasons and the unpredictable weather conditions being experienced lately. You may be asking yourself this question, do I need potting sheds? Well, as you think about it, here are four ways in which owning a potting shed can help you.

  • Maximizing On Garden Space

A potting shed is designed to have storage shelves for your potted plants. This works literally like having a horizontal garden. That means that you can plant so much more with very little space on the ground. You are also able to control space what would otherwise be occupied by equipment such as irrigation sprinklers because irrigating your potted plants does not require any sophisticated equipment.

  • Serves as a Greenhouse

Certain plants require a specific kind of environment in order to grow well.  A potting shed doubles up as a greenhouse too enabling you to provide your crops with the ideal growing conditions to give you a great return on your effort. Having different building materials helps you choose what is ideal for your crops. For example, sheds built with metal are generally cooler than those built with wood. The other importance of having a mini greenhouse in your garden is that you will enjoy a constant supply of fresh vegetables, herbs or even your favorite flowers no matter the season.



  • It Provides a Hustle Free Storage


The design of these potting houses is such that there are cabinets and shelves that allow for storage of your gardening equipment, seeds, fertilizers and the extra planting pots.  This provides convenience in having the equipment at the location where they are needed yet they are kept out of the way to ensure a safe working environment.



  • Control of Pests and Diseases


How this works is by keeping your seedlings and crops away from pests while providing enough light and air circulation for growth. Disease control is also very easy when working in a potting shed because you are able to identify the pot with infected crops and isolate it from the rest. Soil contamination is experienced only in the infected pot and so the other crops will be safe from the said disease or pest.

The importance of having a potting shed cannot be stressed enough.  Apart from having a supply of fresh produce for your home, you will also enjoy using it as a store for your equipment and gardening supplies and enjoy the convenience it provides in space usage and your crop protection.  Designs of potting sheds have been improved greatly lately with the use of different kinds of building materials, modern technology and the flexibility in the shed sizes available in the market you can never go wrong in choosing a potting shed that is ideal for you.


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