April 16

$40 Target Gift Card Giveaway


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Taking Time for Mommy, My Crafty Life, Keenly Kristin, Generations of Savings, and What U Talking Bout Willis? have joined together to bring our readers a fun $40 Target Gift Card Giveaway.
You must be 18+ and have a US address. Fill out the form below to enter

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. I LOVE the vneck women’s tshirts at Target! I would chose one or two of those and I also have grown to like the shoes and sandals at Target, I would look at the sandals and possibly buy a pair of sandals.

  2. My son has outgrown all oh his summer clothing, I would use the gift card towards new shorts and tees for him.

  3. I’m not sure what I would buy with this gift card as it has been quite awhile since I shopped at Target. Would browse clothes and home items

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