February 4

5 Easy Ways to Have a Nice Smile


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5 Easy Ways to Have a Nice Smile

  In today's society first impressions are everything. People form judgments within seconds but you don't have to be a celebrity to have a nice smile.

Here are a few tricks to make sure your teeth are in great shape and your smile is beautiful.

  1. Of course you need to brush your teeth – multiple times a day. Allowing bacteria and food particles to hang around can lead to decay and tooth erosion. Brushing is preventative care and keeps your teeth nice and pretty.

2. Use lipstick to brighten your teeth. If you have fair skin tones and berry color with blue undertones masks the yellowing.  If you have warmer skin tones you will want to use an orange shade with a blue undertone.

3. You really need to take care of stains. It is now easier than ever! You can buy over the counter whitening kits such as toothpastes, strips, and rinses. There are also some old fashion remedies you can try. I've heard strawberries can help but if the stains are stubborn you may want to try a dentist for help.

4. Make sure you get broken teeth taken care of. Not only can it lead to a health concern but it is unsightly. Cosmetic dentistry can easily fix it and costs less than you might imagine.

5. Stay away from smoking and stain causing coffee and teas. When you can drink through a straw or immediately brush your teeth when you are finished.

 Looking for dentistry work? Check out Dental Solutions Creating Smiles.


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  1. I would love to have Cosmetic dentistry and have some of my front teeth straightened. Of course I brush and floss all the time and these are really good tips to help me keep my teeth looking great!

  2. I am fanatical about my teeth. I have TMJ and I try to maintain my teeth. I have been to so many dental professionals because of this TMJ and it is hard for me to tell what is going on.

  3. Good tips! I have a little chip I did not get filled. I am going to now because it has gotten worse! I won’t let something like this go again!

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