January 30

A Headache In The Pelvis outlines new treatment for pelvic pain


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Chronic Pelvic Pain Sufferers Find Relief Through Protocol Outlined in A Headache In The Pelvis

Two researchers at Stanford University, Dr. Rodney Anderson and Dr. David Wise, have done research into chronic pelvic pain in developing a treatment that is now known as the Wise-Anderson Protocol. This new protocol, called the Wise-Anderson Protocol and formerly known as the Stanford Protocol, is used in an intensive, six day immersion course offered in Northern California. The researchers collaborated on the book A Headache in the Pelvis, which describes the results of their research and outlines their treatment protocol. Published research over the past 6 years indicates that a significant number of patients have been able to reduce or resolve their symptoms without medication using this method. The success of their methodology is documented in a number of articles published beginning in 2005 in a variety of medical journals, including the Journal of Urology.

In May of 2011, Wise and Anderson documented improvement in over eighty percent of patients who used the Wise-Anderson Protocol for treating chronic pelvic pain. A Headache in the Pelvis, now in its sixth printing, outlines their work with patients suffering from pain linked to dysfunction or muscle spasms in the pelvic floor. The book notes that chronic pain previously linked to organ pathology, is instead typically caused by pelvic floor chronic contraction and dysfunction.

Pain, Suffering Reduced With Technique Outlined In A Headache In The Pelvis

The self-treatment described in detail in A Headache in the Pelvis was developed over the period of eight years of research by Dr. Anderson and Dr. Wise at Stanford University. Male and female patients with chronic, long-term pelvic pain were evaluated and treated, with the results published in scientific journals. The doctors addressed patients suffering from pelvic pain rather than health care professionals in A Headache in the Pelvis.

One of the researchers, psychologist Dr. David Wise, suffered himself with chronic pelvic pain himself before developing the treatment. His work with Dr. Anderson has brought relief to thousands through their book A Headache in the Pelvis.

This is a Guest Post brought to you by Dr. David Wise



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