October 30

A Political Affair Book Review


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A Political Affair

A Political Affair isn't Fifty Shades of Red, White, and Blue, but it is a love story with spice and political intrigue. Stephen McEvoy never expected to fill his father’s U.S. Senate seat at such a young age—or to fight to keep it. When clever Anne Norwood interns in his office, Stephen dismisses her as another pretty face—until her independent streak catches his attention. They’re both too smart to fall for one another, yet they do. During a tough election, their relationship is an impossible political gamble. Campaigns—like love—are either won or lost.

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Releases Oct 18 Amazon

Purchase her Novella A Very Important Guest

Even before she graduated from law school, Mary knew she wasn't cut out to be a real lawyer. Drawn to politics, she's spent her career as an organizer, lobbyist, and nonprofit executive. Nothing piques her interest more than a good political scandal or romance, and when she stumbled upon writing, she put the two together. A born Midwesterner, naturalized Texan, and transient resident of Washington, D.C., Mary now lives in Northern California with her two daughters and real lawyer husband.

Review – This book was the PERFECT book to read right now. I'm a bit of political junkie (no I won't tell you which side) and this was a great look into Washington DC. You don't have to love politics to enjoy this book but you get a good feel for it. I was strongly routing for Stephen and Anne the entire time.

I found bits of the book humorous like saying Washington D.C. is Hollywood for ugly people. I also thought the characters had great personalities and is overall a great romance book.

I received a copy from my honest review.


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