March 1

Book Review -The University of Corporeal & Ethereal Studies #FreeEbook


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The University of Corporeal & Ethereal Studies tourCorporealEtherealStudies_FrontCoverPromoPrintAt the University of Corporeal & Ethereal Studies meddling with unknown powers can be dangerous work. Courses in arts and sciences experiment with supernatural forces to solve the mysteries of the universe, but when school projects go awry, the students may discover more than they would like to about the madness of the cosmic ‘Beyond'.
Eight interwoven stories follow students whose school work, social lives and inner demons crash together, leading to fantastic and horrible experiences, supernatural powers, and a fuller understanding of the dark depths of their world.
Classes include subjects such as time travel, alchemy, oneironautics , psychedelic transformation, rogue automatons, cosmic ghosts, reality-warping crystals, and more.
Inspired by many authors of science fiction, fantasy and horror, including H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, J.K. Rowling, Neil Gaiman, William Gibson, Kurt Vonnegut and Isaac Asimov.

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Wolfgang Edwards was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1987. He has been an aspiring writer since he was a child and intends to keep writing the rest of his life.

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Review –

If you've been following me for a while you know that I love Sci-fi, I grew up on Isaac Asimov. As soon as I saw this cover I wanted to read it but it is more than just sci-fi. It is several genres blended together. Let's call it Harry Potter meets Dr. Who I got your attention didn't I?

There are eight stories in this novel, they are perfect to get in before bed (although some are horror so maybe after breakfast). You can sign up to get the first book for free above and you'll want to grab the rest!

I received a copy of this for my honest review, no other compensation was received.


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