April 24

Building Muscle So I Can Tone Up


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Today I went clothes shopping. Wow what a depressing experience. I really need to work out. I have a bloggin' butt and my legs aren't looking very sexy either 🙁  I use to be in incredible shape but well, not so much anymore. We are going on bike rides as a family and while I love the time with my kids it isn't doing anything for me as far as exercise.

I have a plan. Tonight I went on a bike ride without the kids while my husband watched the kids. I only rode for a mile, I rode fast and hard and I have to tell you I am REALLY out of shape! Tomorrow I will do the same. I plan on adding in some weight training three times a week as well as yoga five times a week. I know it may sound hard core for someone who hasn't been doing anything but I have to do something! Did I mention I live 5 minutes from the beach? This momma does not want to wear a bathing suit right now and we've already been several times. I wear a little sundress over my bathing suit. I can't wait until I don't have to do that anymore.

My husband has the opposite problem. He is VERY lean. He needs to take bodybuilding supplements and weight gainer. He adds in whey protein too to his smoothies we make every day. I remember when he was trying to work out and build muscle he had to eat 4000 calories A DAY! He had to use the best supplements to achieve that. It took a lot of work. He is thinking of starting up again. Last time he gained 25lbs of muscle and all naturally with taking supplements, his diet, and working out.

We want to become a much more active family and have better sports nutrition. We live in Florida, have biking trails, hiking trails, can go surfing, running etc. It IS hard when you have a five year old who isn't the stronger bike rider and a seven year old. The girls both want to start surfing so maybe we'll try that as a family. I'm not getting any younger and I watch those around me who haven't taken care of themselves start to deteriorate. I don't want to grow old quickly. I'll be 35 this summer and I see the path to good health getter more narrow. I need to be more conscientious of the choices I'm making.

Are you trying to lose weight? Or have you already lost weight and are maintaining? Let me know, I need the encouragement!


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