August 7

Choose the Right HVAC Contractor With These 4 Tips


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Choosing the right HVAC contractor can make preventative maintenance tasks and repairs a breeze. Make finding the right HVAC contractor with these tips.

Ask for Referrals

Image via Flickr by Martin Cathrae

Choosing a home contractor can feel like you are simply guessing. There are likely many HVAC contractors in your city, and without referrals, you are doing just that. Asking for referrals from your family, friends, and coworkers is a great way to choose a contractor that you can trust and rely on. You are inviting this person into your home and trusting them to properly maintain your heating and cooling system. It is important that you choose one that is reliable and trustworthy.

Check Backgrounds

Checking the backgrounds of all contractors that come in and out of your house is one of the most important steps to choosing a contractor. Instead of issuing and paying for background checks on each of the individual contractors, choose a company that has strict hiring requirements.

You can request information about the screening process for new hires. Be sure to ask a lot of questions. Does the company issue background checks for each contractor? Does the company carry insurance and what does it cover? How are problems and complaints handled by the company?

Compare Estimates

HVAC services often significantly vary in price depending on the company. While you do not necessarily want to choose the lowest bid, it is important to compare estimates. Consider the overall cost, knowledge, and experience of the contractors and what exactly is included in the bid.

It is important to find out if the estimate is inclusive of all needed services. You do not want to choose the lowest bid only to find out they have a long list of added costs later on. Comparing estimates is a necessary step even for routine HVAC maintenance appointments. A full inspection should include each of the HVAC checkpoints including an inspection for cracks, obstructions, lubrication, and the sealing of any gaps.

Thoroughly Evaluate Contracts

Once you have chosen a potential contractor for your home needs, it is time to thoroughly evaluate the contract. The contract is what will hold the HVAC company to their promised services. It will also hold you to the specific terms and conditions listed in the contract. For this reason, it is important to carefully go over every portion of the contract.

It might be tempting to quickly sign and get the work started, but this can be a costly mistake. It is also necessary to request clarification on any of the contract terms that might be vague or confusing. The contract should clearly specify the services that will be performed, the cost of the services, and what liabilities the company holds. It should also include information about tasks you are expected to perform such as payment, maintenance, and pulling permits if necessary.

Following these steps will make hiring the right contractor an easy process. Always do your research and get to know an HVAC company before hiring them for maintenance or repairs.



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