November 28

Choosing the Right Road Trip Vehicle


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Every year we go on a big road trip. This year (as well as last year) we are going to Tennessee. We love the mountains and are going to do a Dollywood Christmas. It is a long trip from Florida and having the right car for a road trip is important. You don't want to be cramped. I have a list of 5 things to consider when choosing the right road trip vehicle.

1. Budget 

This is the biggest for us. First you need to weigh your options, are you going to buy or rent? We've rented several times and then bought this last year. Are you going to rent a vehicle? If so, look at the average costs of renting a vehicle and factor it into your budget. If you’re planning on taking road trips quite often, then you may prefer financing a vehicle such as SUV.

2. Fuel Efficiency 

This goes back to budget. Especially when you are on a road trip, it is very important. The less you have to stop, the better.

3. How many people traveling

You don't want to be too cramped, especially on a long drive. Take into account that you want a vehicle with a lot of storage too.

4. Bluetooth compatibility 

This is a big one for us. We have a streaming service we use and it is perfect for long car rides. I hate having to constantly try to find a radio station to come in.

5. Reliability

A new car is the way to go. Whether you are renting or purchasing you want to make sure it can get you there and back. You can find the car for you at . has a huge selection of information that will provide you with everything you need to make an informed purchase. They provide extensive reviews and essential information about a wide variety of different cars.


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