October 3

Cleaning for the Holidays with BISSELL


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This post brought to you by BISSELL Homecare, Inc.. All opinions are 100% mine.

Once Fall hits we have deep clean the entire house so we can get ready for the Holiday season. I host Thanksgiving at my home every year. We have my husband's family over every year, they are extremely meticulous so I feel the pressure to make sure my home is the same. There’s no place like home for the holidays, so it’s important that the house looks its best.

Tips for cleaning before, during and after the holiday season. – cleaning tips

1. Before the party – We start with a deep clean, getting all of the corners, dusting, vacuuming, getting all of the fans. With the Bissell PGLO, the vacuum isn’t just for floors anymore – highlight a room-by-room outline of other things PGLO can easily clean, such as stairs, furniture, lamp shades, knick-knacks, bathrooms, the car, etc. Lightweight design makes it easy to carry from room to room.

2. During the party – I used to run around like crazy trying to keep everything as tidy as possible and couldn't enjoy the party. Now I have relaxed much more, if I am uptight my guests will feel that and be that way too. So I make it simple. I keep a damp mop ready to go if there is a spill, I make my rounds to make sure the toilet paper is constantly stocked, and I use my BISSELL to pick up crumbs after the kids. I also use gormet looking throw away plates and silverware. We throw away everything that can be and I have a bin I put everything else in to wait to be cleaned until after the party (I put it in my laundry room)

3. After the party – I clean as I go so this isn't too horrible but I have to wash the dishes, I mostly use my dishwasher and my vacuum takes care of everything else. My PGLO has no loss of suction, lift-off pod, long-stretch hose and large capacity dirt cup to clean up tough messes like tracked-in dirt, crunchy messes, and other particles.

USE Promocode – POWERGLIDE for $20 Off Plus Free Shipping for the following products:

· PowerGlide Pet Vacuum with Lift-Off Technology – 2763

· PowerGlide Pet Bagged Rewind Vacuum – 38631

· PowerGlide Pet Vacuum – 1044

Valid 9/12/2013 – 11/30/2013

Show BISSELL a mess only a vacuum can clean up and enter to win a PowerGlide® with Lift-Off® Technology or $50 Gift Certificate for BISSELL.com



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