September 18

Cursed Heroes Book Review


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Cursed Heroes, The Beginnings

Cursed by God himself theses poor souls must forever wonder the universe in bodies that are
forever aging. However, they have turned their curse into their strength, as they fight against
every power in this universe to protect those that cannot protect themselves.
Fighting with everything they have, single handedly taking on vast armies, even if it means they will be beaten to a bloody wreck they will still stand and fight. They shake planets to their very cores, darken the stars, and moving
entire star systems, all for the protection of the universe, they are The Brothers Will, and they never back down. Now come join the fight as you learn how it all began.

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My Thoughts –

If it hadn't been for the tour I would never have picked this book up. The cover isn't appealing to me and even the blurb needs to be edited. The entire book is in dire need of editing but it DOES have potential. I personally like Sci-fi so I did like the book and it takes place in a parallel universe to ours and a young boy is recruited at a young age to save everyone.. This is the 2nd book in the series but you can read it without being lost. A small boy

The author is giving away a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Giftcard and all of the books in the seies Autographed!

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